Riding The Magic Stick

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I have always been afraid of getting on top... I always thought it would be too uncomfortable, or that my partners dick was too small to have any real reaction, so why bother? Not until recently have I ventured into this uncharted ground, and HONESTLY it was bad. I learned two things.

  1. It's easier on the couch.
  2. It's a workout (So a bitch can forget about the gym and stretch before conquering the almighty dick) Lesson learned.
My boyfriend seemed to love it. He's been complaining about me just laying there making noises... As if that isn't hard work. lol But then I have to remind him that THE EXTRAS, and yall know what I mean by extras, take a lot of MULTITASKING skills that I know he does not posses. That's a woman's game... With the exception of a few elite gay men. SMH... But any who, I just wonder if there are some tips that I must posses in order to last longer than 10 minutes before my legs cramp up? And If there is a rhythm I should have let a sista know.

P.S. If you didn't know I was raunchy... Now you know. lol


Mandii Nichole September 11, 2008 at 10:00 AM  

I like the site sexinfo101.com

In the sex positions section of the site, they have a nifty lil 3D animated couple demonstrating each position listed. Some of that shiz looks like you'll hurt yourself (or your S.O., lol), but some of them are hott.

Some good girl-on-top positions from their site:
Asian Cowgirl, Rodeo, Fusion & See-Saw

But yea, mastering girl-on-top takes a whole lotta practice & a couple of yoga stretches, lol.

Rhythm-wise, small circles are best for you, but its gonna take some good ole fashioned in&out to take him there. Its all in the hips. In one motion, lean your upper body forward a lil, arch your back & move your hips backward - kinda like you're making an S out of your body - then reverse, bringing your hips back in and relaxing the arch. Once you've got that down, try leaning forward & moving just your hips, making small circles. In most girl-on-top positions, his pubic bone is going to press against your clit, encouraging the magnificent female orgasm =]

Time-wise, once you find a rhythm that works for you, you'll hit the O in less than 10 minutes anyway. Or maybe that part is just me =]

Anonymous September 21, 2008 at 5:23 PM  

Try it in a chair or on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor. Your legs may not cramp up as much. Otherwise... you might want to start doing some squats so you can keep up. ;-)

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