My New BFF, Lady "O"....

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I've come to the realization that sex does NOT get old when you experience THE "O" on a regular basis. I don't mean some weak ass yelp and a slight tremble from within. I mean the kind or orgasm that has you calling for Jesus and inviting the devil to play at the same time. The kind of orgasm the makes you forget where you are and who your making love too because your mind is so cleared that you've achieved and exceeded the satisfaction of a man busting a big, hard nut. (Is that too graphic? Let me know... better yet, leave my blog.... NOW.) People would always tell me that seeing a man everyday, and laying down with him would get old and boring. Clearly they have never met Lady "O", because they are sadly mistaken. I'm only writing this because I had a visit with her last night and have decided she's my new BFF. That's all no big story just thought I'd tell y'all about my new best friend and hope that you find your own Lady "O" to befriend, because mine is OFF limits. I'm possessive with my friends...


THE 78' MS. J January 3, 2009 at 9:14 PM  

kicks you because not only are you adding insult to injury you aren't even a little bit sorry for the sexless in the city folks like I but it's okay though. Enjoy your new BFF, she sounds like a real boss bitch lol.

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